Love, Joy, Peace...

Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Your Phone Number (Required)
More lead time and planning… More anticipation! More participation! Less agitation! Thanks for making requests 8 weeks prior to an event! For a wedding, please allow at least 3 months!
Event Title: (Required)
Event Date: (Required)
Event Start and End Time (Please include setup and cleanup): (Required)
Please add the time it takes to set up/tear down into the total time of your event.
Who is the event for? Ie) Families, Men, Women, Youth, Children, College Age, Married, Single, Community, Outreach
Event Description/Purpose:
What would you like the attendee to gain/experience from this event? What is the focus/heart of the event? ie) topic; outreach; discipleship; developing relationships, etc.
Estimated # of Attendees: (Required)
Fellowship Hall
Conference Room - Main Floor
Kid Journey Rooms
Conference Room - Second Floor
Youth Rooms
Lower Level Classroom
Clothes Closet
Parking Lot
Offsite Location (Provide Venue Name / Address / Phone)
Venue Setup (Check any that you may need):
Please let us know what you need to better accommodate you.
Round Tables (Please note below, how many)
Rectangular Tables (Please note below, how many)
Chairs only (Please note below, how many)
Microphones (Please note below, how many)
Video Source: laptop/dvd? (Please note below)
Powerpoint/ProPresenter (Please note below)
Projector or TV monitor (Please note below)
Will there be music from cd, iPhone, laptop? (Please note below)
Other instruments (Please note below)
Decorations (Please note below)
Food Provided
Food Pitch-in Requested
Detail for the Above Requests OR Additional Items:
Ministry Departments needed for the event:
Please be thorough, so everyone involved in your event can be notified and plan in advance.
Worship Team
ProPresenter – Visuals on Monitor
Video Recording
Prayer Team
Child Care
Is Childcare Needed
Event Promotion Options (Check all that apply):
On-line Registration (The preferred sign up)
Verbal Announcement Sunday Morning Service
ProPresenter Slide During Announcements and on Lobby Monitor
Church e-Newsletter
Website News/Events Page
Social Media - Facebook, Instagram
Flyer (Please Detail Below: Size/Color/B&W)
Sign-up Sheet
Church Marquee Message (Please Detail Below)
Detail Any Promotion Materials Above: ie)What you want said or book to be used, etc. (JPG images are to be emailed to:
Ultimately, all advertising will be determined by the media/promotion team, but we value your input and want to accommodate you as much as possible.
Checked for Community Events and Church Calendar Events that may conflict with the date of this event?